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Butoane de meniu ce se deschid la trecerea cu mousul

In jos  Mesaj [Pagina 1 din 1]



<script type="text/javascript"><!--
| Another JavaScript from Uncle Jim |
| Feel free to copy, use and change this script as |
| long as this part remains unchanged. |
| Visit my website at http://scripturi.3xforum.ro |
| for more scripts like this one |
| Created: 1996 |
| Last Updated: December, 2005 |
// Initiate a new array containing all the navigation hyperlinks that loads on startup
// The 'htm' extension for the link is added by the script

//initialize the variables for indexing data
x=1; //initialize the first variable
y=5; //initialize the variable used to reset the buttons on mouse out
linx = new Array()
linx[1] = new Array(); //First set of links for the top level category
linx[1][1] = "java/navigation";
linx[1][2] = "java/effects";
linx[1][3] = "java/forms";
linx[1][4] = "java/utilities";
linx[1][5] = "java/games";

linx[2] = new Array(); //Second set of Links for next top level category
linx[2][1] = "mso2k/access/index";
linx[2][2] = "mso2k/excel/index";
linx[2][3] = "mso2k/word/index";
linx[2][4] = "mso2k/ppt/index";
linx[2][5] = "mso2k/binder/index";

linx[3] = new Array(); //Third set of Links for the last top level category
linx[3][1] = "java/101";
linx[3][2] = "java/methodtable";
linx[3][3] = "java/layers";
linx[3][4] = "java/cssprops";
linx[3][5] = "java/cursors";

//This is the function populates the first set of buttons ...
function rollover1() {
document.menu.nav1.value = "Navigation";
document.menu.nav2.value = "Page Effects";
document.menu.nav3.value = "Forms";
document.menu.nav4.value = "Utilities";
document.menu.nav5.value = "Games";
document.menu.dummy.value = 1;
x = document.menu.dummy.value;
//Function populates the second set of buttons ...
function rollover2() {
document.menu.nav1.value = "Access";
document.menu.nav2.value = "Excel";
document.menu.nav3.value = "Word";
document.menu.nav4.value = "PowerPoint";
document.menu.nav5.value = "Office Binder";
document.menu.dummy.value = 2;
x = document.menu.dummy.value;
//Function populates the third set of buttons ...
function rollover3() {
document.menu.nav1.value = "Generators";
document.menu.nav2.value = "Event Methods";
document.menu.nav3.value = "Positioning";
document.menu.nav4.value = "C. S. S.";
document.menu.nav5.value = "Cursors";
document.menu.dummy.value = 3;
x = document.menu.dummy.value;

//This sends
function go2url(hlink) {
// set temporary variable temp1 to the value of the dummy hidden field
var temp1 = document.menu.dummy.value;
// set the temporary variable temp2 to link array
var temp2 = (linx[temp1][hlink]);
// Construct the url for the link to point to
window.location = "http://www.jdstiles.com/"+temp2+".html";

//If there are no lower tier navigation buttons, this function closes the buttons as the mouse moves off the prevoius link to this.
function rollout() {
for (var j=0; j<y; j++) {
document.menu.elements[j].value = " ";


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